Internal System Integration
- Multi-system compatibility
- Unique features tailored to client requirements
- Integration across different software languages and multiple database types
Most existing CRM, ERP, and Accounting systems lack features essential for meeting unique client needs. Additional features that met these needs were designed for clients and integrated with current systems. This improved cross-system communication and the efficiency of information sharing. This improved operational cost-efficiency and the functionality of existing software and databases. Improvements were made to systems like Microsoft NAV, QuickBooks, SAP, Tryton, Freshbooks, MCDB2000, BusinessVision, Sage, BlueLink and others.
Improvements were made to systems like Microsoft NAV, QuickBooks, SAP, Tryton, Freshbooks, MCDB2000, BusinessVision, Sage, BlueLink and others.
Schedule a consultationInternal System Integration
Implementation of unique features and upgrades drastically improved communication among the various CRM, ERP, and Accounting systems within companies. The new features that were programmed also increased the functionality of individual systems while promoting the usability of the software. These improved systems met specific client requirements to ensure successful internal and external operations management while reducing operating costs.